CCSA Calls for National Strategy Amid Rising Concerns Over Canada’s Gambling Regulation

CCSA Calls for National Strategy Amid Rising Concerns Over Canada's Gambling Regulation

The regulation of gambling in Canada is primarily managed by the crown provinces, marking a significant regulatory approach. However, the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) argues for a coordinated national strategy, highlighting concerns about the increasing visibility of gambling apps and sites across different provincial regimes.

This trend undermines individual jurisdictions’ ability to control industry exposure, potentially exacerbating gambling-related harms.

The CCSA’s concerns are reinforced by a study conducted in collaboration with Greo Evidence Insights, which suggests that the proliferation of gambling options could lead to heightened risks of harm among Canadians. Despite a lack of specific evidence linking recent regulatory changes to increased harm, the report emphasizes the absence of comprehensive monitoring of gambling-related issues at both national and provincial levels.

CCSA Calls for National Strategy Amid Rising Concerns Over Canada’s Gambling Regulation

Ontario, with its liberalized gambling market, serves as a case in point. The province has seen significant activity since the legalization of single-event sports betting, with a notable increase in gambling stakes. This surge raises concerns about the societal impact and economic costs associated with expanded gambling opportunities.

The CCSA identifies several key concerns regarding the rise in legal gambling, including its potential to normalize gambling through extensive advertising, particularly concerning young people. This normalization, coupled with economic vulnerabilities exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and rising living costs, heightens the risk of gambling-related harm across the country.

In response to these challenges, the CCSA advocates for a comprehensive national strategy. This strategy would establish standardized regulations for gambling products and advertising, ensure robust monitoring of gambling harms, and enhance public and professional awareness of these issues.

Additionally, it proposes measures to address gaps in harm prevention funding and enforcement, aiming to mitigate the broader societal costs associated with increased gambling activity.

The CCSA’s call for a national strategy underscores the need to balance economic interests with public health considerations, aiming to safeguard vulnerable populations from the potential negative consequences of expanded gambling accessibility in Canada.

Aamreen Arshi: Amreen, an entertainment enthusiast with a solid 6 years of experience in the field, diligently reviews the movies and shows she covers.
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