Five years prior to the film, The Mandalorian set up a possible face reveal for Din Djarin

The Mandalorian  (Credit: Disney+)

Five years ago, The Mandalorian hinted at the possibility of seeing Din Djarin’s visage in The Mandalorian & Grogu. The fact that Din Djarin is a member of a religious group that opposes taking off one’s helmet in public sets his character apart from that of the majority of Mandalorians.

Therefore, for the course of The Mandalorian’s three seasons, viewers have only seen Din Djarin’s face three times.

During The Mandalorian season 3, viewers never once saw Din Djarin’s face. This makes some sense because a significant portion of his season-long character development had him coming to terms with his secret excommunication for taking off his helmet.

The Mandalorian (Credit: Disney+)

Nevertheless, it’s been a while since we last saw the face of the primary character; The Mandalorian & Grogu ought to revisit this.

It’s going to be hard to pull this off, given Din Djarin’s commitment to the Watchmen. Nonetheless, there is a canonically determined method by which they could accomplish it.

The Mandalorian set up a possible face reveal for Din Djarin.

The T-shaped visors on Mandalorian helmets are broken in both season 3 episode 2 and the season 1 finale of The Mandalorian. This is hardly shocking since Mandalorian bear helmets are not infallible either.

Their most glaring flaw is that the transparent T-shaped visor is probably constructed of transparisteel as one cannot see through bear. Compared to bear, transparent steel is significantly less robust. This implies that even if it is still powerful, breaking it would be far more likely.

A portion of Anakin Skywalker’s face is visible as Darth Vader’s helmet breaks during their battle against Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars Rebels. The Mandalorian & Grogu might disclose Din Djarin’s face in a manner akin to Darth Vader’s face-reveal sequence.

It would make sense since The Mandalorian demonstrated in season 1 that the visors on Mandalorian helmets remain a weak point. Should The Mandalorian & Grogu choose this path, it might reveal Din Djarin’s face without requiring him to violate his holy edict by taking off his helmet.

The Mandalorian  (Credit: Disney+)

The possibility of breaking the Children of the Watch’s stringent helmet regulations exists with this action. Although, in a technical sense, breaking the T-shaped visor on his helmet isn’t the same as taking it off, his covert might not see it that way. There’s a chance they would ban him once more.

Therefore, revealing Din Djarin’s face in this manner can be dangerous. Nonetheless, The Mandalorian spin-off film could pull it off without having to undertake another redemption arc if it occurred during an explosion or other such incident when no one was around to witness it.

Arin Tripathi: Arin Tripathi, a dedicated final year BCA student, resides in the vibrant city of Bangalore. During his leisure hours, he immerses himself in the world of manga and enjoys watching TV shows on platforms like Netflix and Hulu. His specialization lies in crafting content related to U.S-based shows and series.
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