House Committee Calls for Hunter Biden’s Testimony

Hunter Biden called to testify publicly (Credits: Axios)

The Republican-led U.S. House Oversight Committee has requested Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden‘s son, to testify in an open hearing scheduled for March 20, as part of its ongoing investigation into his father.

The committee’s focus has been on Hunter Biden‘s business engagements in countries like Ukraine and China during his father’s tenure as vice president, spanning from 2009 to 2017. Despite scrutiny, no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden has surfaced.

Committee probes Hunter Biden’s business ties during father’s vice presidency (Credits: Axios)

In addition to Hunter Biden, the committee has extended invitations to three of his former business associates to provide testimony. Hunter Biden’s legal team received the committee’s request, and they are expected to respond in writing soon.

Previously, Hunter Biden participated in a closed-door interview as part of the investigation but now faces the prospect of testifying publicly after initially expressing a preference for public testimony. The decision to compel his appearance came after lawmakers hinted at potential contempt charges.

Hunter Biden’s legal team to respond to committee’s request soon (Credits: Rolling Stone)

During the closed-door interview, Hunter Biden emphasized that his father was not involved in or benefited from his business activities. The forthcoming public hearing may shed more light on the matter and address lingering questions surrounding Hunter Biden’s business dealings and their potential implications for the Biden administration.

Despite the committee’s efforts, the investigation has yet to produce concrete evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Joe Biden, underscoring the partisan nature of the probe and its potential implications for the political landscape.

Alberto Zambrano: Alberto Zambrano is a Venezuelan writer with 10 years of experience in the field. He specializes in writing gossip and entertainment from streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+.
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