How Is the Iron Giant Connected to Gear 5, Explained

Iron Giant And Luffy From One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

The ongoing Egghead Island arc in One Piece continues to amaze fans with its intense developments, particularly as it reaches its climax. Recent events have centered around the awakening of the Iron Giant, reigniting excitement among fans who have long discussed its significance throughout the arc.

As the narrative approaches its zenith, fans eagerly anticipate the pivotal role the Iron Giant is destined to play. Its proper awakening and subsequent activation, as depicted in One Piece chapter 1111, serve as strong indicators of its imminent importance to the uncovering storyline.

With the arc poised to resume after a hiatus, fans can expect the Iron Giant to make a significant impact on the course of events.

The Iron Giant Of Egghead Island

The introduction of the Iron Giant marked a significant moment in the Egghead Island arc, catching the attention of fans from the outset.

It was Luffy, ever the adventurous spirit, who stumbled upon this formidable creation first, coincidentally encountering Dr. Vegapunk in the process. According to Vegapunk, the Iron Giant is a relic of ancient times, hailing from the amazing Void Century.

Approximately 200 years ago, it instilled fear in Marijoa by scaling the Red Line and threatening the Celestial Dragons. However, its rampage was abruptly halted when it inexplicably ceased functioning, presumably due to a lack of fuel.

Iron Giant From One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

The origins and purpose of the Iron Giant remain shrouded in mystery, but Vegapunk’s revelation aligns with the notion of the Ancient Kingdom’s advanced civilization.

As proponents of groundbreaking technology surpassing even that of the contemporary One Piece world, it’s plausible to infer that they were responsible for the creation and programming of the Iron Giant.

Given the Ancient Kingdom’s conflict with the 20 Kingdoms, who united to oppose it, the Iron Giant likely served as an ally in this historic struggle.

This affiliation sheds light on its familiarity with figures like Joy Boy, suggesting a deep-seated connection to the Ancient Kingdom’s cause.

The Iron Giant’s Link to Nika

One Piece Chapter 1111 delivered a bombshell revelation concerning the Iron Giant, leaving fans in awe. Upon awakening, the Giant’s first words were an apology to Joy Boy, a revelation that caught many off guard.

However, considering the established connection between the Iron Giant and Nika, this acknowledgment of Joy Boy isn’t entirely unexpected.

Fans are now left pondering the nature of the relationship between these two enigmatic figures, particularly how they are intertwined.

Before delving into their connection, it’s crucial to unravel the mystery of the Iron Giant’s creation. As a non-human entity capable of exhibiting emotions and complex thought processes, its origin raises intriguing questions.

Luffy In Gear 5 From One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

Yet, given the remarkable advancements of the Ancient Kingdom, the notion of crafting such a being with sentient capabilities is not beyond the possibility. Recent developments, such as Vegapunk’s creation of the Seraphims, serve as a witness to the potential of technological feats achievable by skilled individuals.

Thus, the creation of the Iron Giant by the Ancient Kingdom should not surprise fans familiar with its extraordinary capabilities.

The Iron Giant’s intrinsic connection to Joy Boy becomes increasingly apparent to fans, especially considering its awakening coincided with Luffy tapping into the power of Gear 5, a manifestation of Joy Boy’s influence.

Through the resonance of the Drums of Liberation, the Giant was empowered, symbolizing its link to Joy Boy’s resurgence. Without Luffy accessing Gear 5, akin to embodying Joy Boy, the Iron Giant likely would have remained dormant.

Luffy In Gear 5 From One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

Furthermore, indications suggest a profound bond between Joy Boy and the Iron Giant, potentially forged through camaraderie and shared experiences.

It’s plausible that Joy Boy entrusted the Giant with the mission to scale the Red Line and challenge the authority of Marijoa, reflecting their shared ideals and objectives.

The Iron Giant Along With The Buccaneers

As fans piece together scattered clues about the Iron Giant, a clearer picture emerges, shedding light on its enigmatic nature. One intriguing aspect lies in its connection to the Drums of Liberation, suggesting that it harnesses this energy throughout its body as a power source.

Equally fascinating is the fact that despite lacking a conventional soul, the Iron Giant exhibits mobility, a feat reminiscent of Kuma.

Kuma, stripped of his free will and labeled as an empty shell devoid of emotions, defied expectations by acting autonomously, particularly when he journeyed to Egghead to aid Bonney.

Iron Giant From One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

Vegapunk attributed this anomaly to the mysterious power of the Buccaneers, yet its exact nature remains elusive.

If indeed the Buccaneers possess the ability to imbue inanimate objects with willpower, allowing them to persist beyond their physical forms, it offers a compelling explanation for the Iron Giant’s awakening upon hearing the Drums of Liberation.

This hypothesis suggests the existence of a Buccaneer in the distant past, who imparted its will to the Iron Giant before passing away, thereby enabling it to endure beyond its creator’s demise.

The Iron Giant serves as a vessel for the Buccaneer’s will, continuing its legacy long after its physical form has faded away. This revelation adds another layer of intrigue to the Iron Giant’s identity, hinting at a deeper connection to the ancient mysteries of the One Piece world.

The concept of willpower and its transmission through the Buccaneer power opens up intriguing possibilities, particularly in the case of Kuma.

Luffy In Gear 5 From One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

Despite having his free will stripped away, Kuma’s ability to influence the Pacifista hints at the transfer of his will to inanimate objects, allowing him to act independently, even against the wishes of the Elders.

Many fans speculate that Nika himself may have been a Buccaneer, as evidenced by the giant Straw Hat observed in Marijoa. If this theory holds true, it suggests a profound connection between Nika and the Iron Giant, possibly extending to familial ties or close association.

This notion provides a compelling explanation for why the Iron Giant stirred from its slumber upon hearing the Drums of Liberation and immediately expressed remorse to Joy Boy.

While much of this remains speculative, theorizing is part of the allure of One Piece, especially during the lengthy hiatuses that leave fans eager for answers.

Oliver Johnson: Oliver Johnson is a content writer passionate about manga and anime. With a knack for storytelling, he crafts engaging articles that bring these vibrant storyline to life. Through his words, he connects with readers, sharing the magic and excitement of the anime and manga universe.
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