Jewish Voters Rethink Support for Biden Amid Policy Challenges

Joe Biden

A recent poll suggests a decline in support for President Joe Biden among Jewish voters in the United States, with an increasing number expressing willingness to vote for another candidate in the 2024 election. Conducted by the American Jewish Committee earlier this year, the poll found that while 61 percent of Jewish voters would still vote for Biden, 23 percent would opt for former President Donald Trump, and 10 percent would consider voting for someone else.

Comparing these findings to a similar poll conducted in 2020 reveals a significant shift. In the 2020 poll, 75 percent of Jewish voters intended to vote for Biden, while only 22 percent favored Trump. Moreover, the percentage of Jewish voters open to choosing another candidate, neither Biden nor Trump, has seen an 8 percent increase over the past four years.

Joe Biden

The decline in support for Biden among Jewish voters coincides with ongoing tensions in the Middle East, particularly the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Biden’s handling of the situation has garnered criticism from some within the Jewish community.

His decision to pause weapons transfers to Israel drew backlash, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasizing his country’s determination to defend itself, even if it meant standing alone.

Notably, Biden’s actions during the Israel-Hamas conflict were condemned not only by Israeli leaders but also by prominent Jewish organizations like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

Former President Trump also joined the chorus of criticism, accusing Biden of losing control of the situation. Trump’s remarks underscored his ongoing efforts to appeal to Jewish voters by positioning himself as a staunch supporter of Israel.

In light of these developments, the poll reflects a shifting landscape of political allegiance among Jewish voters in the United States. While Biden still maintains majority support, his handling of foreign policy issues, particularly those related to Israel, has led to a noticeable erosion of trust among some in the Jewish community, opening up opportunities for alternative candidates to gain traction in future elections.

Pragati Bankra: Pragati believes that each of us is a part of a story waiting to be explored. Some are being written through other people's words and some are being read!
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