Kevin Patrick Released from WWE: But He’s Not Sad

Kevin Patrick At WWE Raw

In 2022, Kevin Patrick joined WWE’s primary commentary team, bringing his unique voice and perspective to the wrestling world, but his time there recently came to an end. While he was let go, Patrick isn’t upset about it.

WWE expected Patrick to be their lead announcer on SmackDown, but his performance fell short. Ultimately, they decided to part ways.

Moving On to Soccer?

In a recent interview, Patrick explained his exit. He revealed a conflict between his WWE duties and his true passion: soccer. Soccer always comes first, he said.

Kevin Patrick At WWE Raw

“There was a coming conflict,” Patrick said. “How can I be at a WWE event on Friday and then be in a soccer studio on Saturday?”

Patrick also acknowledged that WWE needs someone fully committed, someone like Michael Cole, who rarely misses work.

While not a lifelong WWE fan, Patrick enjoyed his time with the company. However, he believes the fans deserve a better announcer than he could be.

“The fans deserve more,” he stated. He discussed his decision to leave with Michael Cole and received support.

Despite his release, Patrick remains friendly with WWE and holds Michael Cole in high regard. He even called Cole the best boss he’s ever had.

Will Kevin Patrick ever return to WWE? Only time will tell, but for now, he’s focusing on his love of soccer.

Arin Tripathi: Arin Tripathi, a dedicated final year BCA student, resides in the vibrant city of Bangalore. During his leisure hours, he immerses himself in the world of manga and enjoys watching TV shows on platforms like Netflix and Hulu. His specialization lies in crafting content related to U.S-based shows and series.
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