Madame Web Ending Explained: How Madame Web Sets Up Their Future Powers

Madame Web (Credit: Marvel)

Four Spider-Man-related heroes are introduced to Sony’s Marvel universe in Madame Web, and the film’s conclusion paves the way for more superhero adventures.

Madame Web concludes with Cassandra Webb having accomplished her goal of rescuing Ezekiel Sims, the man who killed her mother and acquired superpowers from a spider in the Peruvian Amazon, from three teenage girls: Anya Corazon, Julia Cornwall, and Mattie Franklin.

But now that she’s fully utilized her abilities and is getting more like the Marvel Comics character Madame Web, Cassie is a different person. Regarding the girls, Madame Web takes them under her wing and guarantees that they will become Spider-Man heroes in the future.

Madame Web sets up Julia’s Spider-Woman, Mattie’s Spider-Woman, and Anya’s Spider-Girl identities to reappear even if the girls’ origin tales aren’t featured in the film. In conclusion, the Madame Web movie’s epilogue introduces a new aspect of Sony’s Spider-Man Universe: real spider-people.

Madame Web Ending Explained

The absence of Mattie Franklin, Anya Corazon, and Julia Cornwall’s origin stories from Madame Web may come as the largest surprise. Though a significant portion of the film centres on Ezekiel’s attempts to stop them from becoming superheroes, their existence as Spider-Man-style heroes is only hinted at in passing through Ezekiel and Cassie’s visions.

Madame Web (Credit: Marvel)

The question of when they become superheroes is raised by that. Based on a sequence early in the film, it may be inferred that Julia, Mattie, and Anya acquire their powers at some point between 2003, when Madame Web takes place, and 2013.

Ezekiel delivers sketches of the girls’ appearance in his dream to Zosia Mamet’s character, who de-ages them by five to ten years. This suggests that Ezekiel saw his death in 2013, which would have meant the girls had to have developed their abilities by then.

It is impossible to focus on a smaller window of time because there are no additional clues regarding when they acquire their skills. Early in Madame Web, it is revealed that Ezekiel Sims travelled from the Amazon to New York City with the spider that granted him superhuman abilities.

If the spider manages to get out, that could be how the females get bitten, however, it’s unclear what would happen to his apartment after he passes away. Another possibility is that Madame Web takes the girls to Peru so they can experience a spider bite in their native country. 

Though it’s plausible that their origin tales would be connected to the movie’s establishment of a specific type of spider that bestows powers, it’s also possible that they may gain powers in other ways. Similar to the girls’ origin stories, the question of how exactly Madame Web, Spider-Woman, Spider-Girl, and Spider-Woman obtain their superhero suits is never answered, even though they are depicted wearing their costumes in the future.

Just as it’s uncertain if Julia’s webs are natural or the result of a web-shooter, so too are Mattie’s spider-legs a part of her outfit or a power. Madame Web does not say if the girls or she makes their suits, nor does she say when they will begin to wear them.

Cassie gets flung into the ocean during the last battle between Madame Web and Ezekiel Sims, and one of the explosions hits her. Cassie is rendered blind and paralyzed by this blast, as is evident when Julia pulls her out of the water and the three girls help her to consciousness.

Madame Web (Credit: Marvel)

Cassie’s cloudy eyes are the first sign of her blindness when she opens them. Later, when she is lying on a hospital bed with bandages covering her eyes, that is verified. The movie’s last scene, which features Madame Web in a motorized wheelchair, confirms Cassie’s paralysis.

She wears spectacles that have been darkened, indicating that her blindness is permanent. Although Cassie’s chair doesn’t seem to serve as a life support system as it does in the comics, Madame Web’s glasses and wheelchair help to make this portrayal more in line with Marvel Comics.

Arin Tripathi: Arin Tripathi, a dedicated final year BCA student, resides in the vibrant city of Bangalore. During his leisure hours, he immerses himself in the world of manga and enjoys watching TV shows on platforms like Netflix and Hulu. His specialization lies in crafting content related to U.S-based shows and series.
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