Masters Of The Universe Revolution Ending Explained: Turns Teela Into a Unique Sorceress

Masters Of The Universe Revolution (Credit: Netflix)

Netflix has been making significant advancements in the animation field with the renowned Mattel series, while fans are still waiting for news on the forthcoming He-Man film.

It has created the captivating 3-D animated series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, which will appeal to viewers of Fast & Furious: Spy Racers, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, and The Incredibles.

But the one that has received the most attention is Kevin Smith’s Masters of the Universe cartoon. The criticism surrounding the Masters of the Universe: Revelation series stemmed from Teela’s eventual transformation into the Sorceress and her great power.

Now that Prince Adam of Eternia is back in the forefront, Masters of the Universe: Revolution sees him attempting to defend his realm against the advancing Horde Empire. Adam achieves a huge victory as Season 1 draws to a close, but there is still a threat that looms large.

A techno-organic virus is sweeping Eternia in Masters of the Universe: Revolution. It’s all because Skeletor, also known as Skeletek, is becoming a hybrid of magic and machinery. When he fully unleashes his power, he recalls who he is, Adam’s uncle Keldor slyly gaining the throne and using this plague to indoctrinate the public.

Enormous with a need for power, it culminates in one of the most vicious fights in the franchise between Skeletor and his lord, Hordak. Hordak’s manipulation of him, including making him ingest Havoc magic and manipulating his memory to turn him into a slave, is what drives Skeletor.

The stronger of the two, Skeletor kills Hordak by impaling him in retaliation. Skeletor now turns all of Eternia’s citizens into a single, mindless army by utilizing the virus to give orders to everybody. As the illegitimate son who was exiled so that Randor might inherit the kingdom, this is his ultimate triumph.

Masters Of The Universe Revolution (Credit: Netflix)

On the other hand, Skeletor shows that no version of himself will ever misjudge his nephew by not assuming Adam will gain any kind of strength boost.

Ending Explained

Earlier in the Revolution, Adam discovered that the infection might be eradicated with the Power of Grayskull and his Power Sword. In the hopes that Gwildor and Orko could reverse engineer, improve, and use the blade as a means to treat all sick people, he left it with them.

Fortunately, both geniuses show up at Castle Grayskull, the battleground, enabling Adam to charge up. After assuming his ultimate form, he brutally fights Skeletor. He-Man has feelings for Keldor, which is why he refuses to murder Skeletor.

He is aware that Hordak had Keldor under mental control, and he senses goodness in his uncle. Although Keldor was shown to be a kindhearted person in flashbacks, his path became darker after being forced into exile due to conflict and devastation. That’s what Hordak took advantage of.

He-Man removes Skeletor and Havoc from Keldor’s soul as the battle comes to an end. By acknowledging he is weaker than his nephew, Keldor sheds his mortal shell.

Though he is aware that he would go to prison for trying to carry out a coup and commit treason, there is a tiny part of him that is pleased to be free of all puppet masters, not even Havoc magic.

The heroes also had Teela as a trump card in addition to the sword. While being trained by Evil-Lyn, she was taught about Ka magic (the magic of the Snake People) by the dragon Granamyr.

Teela realized that the three magical components of Eternia Havoc, Ka, and Grayskull would combine to make her the ideal defender of the world. She battled the darkness inside herself after absorbing all three supernatural elements, though.

Masters Of The Universe Revolution (Credit: Netflix)

She is thankfully also healed by Adam’s sword. Teela discovers her new form as the Sorceress with He-Man at her side. Her first task, restoring Pretoria, also known as Eternia’s Heaven, is what she does with her power. In doing so, the spirits of other He-Men, Masters of the Universe, and the late Randor can finally rest in peace.

In Revelation, Teela finally achieves her purpose after Lyn devastates this region resembling Valhalla. In addition to letting He-Man know that his father’s spirit is secure, she is doing this as a way of saying thanks to Randor. As a final precaution, Randor and the ghosts enter the fight shortly before they leave, assisting Adam in fending off Skeletor and company.

It concludes with a quite moving swan song, giving the spirits hope that Eternia will be well taken care of. The fact that Teela is the first Sorceress to be allowed to leave the castle is particularly touching, as her mother, the previous Sorceress, looks down on her from above.

Teela starts dating Adam, a prince who no longer understands the idea of a monarchy, after she sends her mother’s soul to rest in Pretoria. This arrangement made it possible for Keldor to trick him, seize the throne, and poison people while posing as Skeletor.

But instead of ruling with a scepter, He-Man decides it would be better to defend the planet with a sword. He declares that there will be democratic voting for all of eternity and abolishes the monarchy.

She adores being Man-at-Arms, but she doesn’t mind running for office, Andra reveals when He-Man announces Eternia’s independence. It completes her story by assisting Teela and her father, Duncan, who is currently serving as the army’s Man-of-War.

After Hordak’s death, his army withdrew, leaving much reconstruction to be done. If the public’s trust has to be rebuilt, both practically and politically. The heroes, though, are all up for the task. Lyn too had a significant loss of self during the war.

Skeletor called forth the Technological Titans from the centre of Eternia, and Granamyr, her mentor, perished in the battle. The dragon, however, indicated that Lyn had found her atonement. While at the ruins of Darksmoke, she helped the heroes liberate the planet and psychologically cured Granamyr. She changed during that process from being Evil-Lyn to “Good Lyn.”

This is the reason Lyn finds herself drawn to Mattel’s Zodiacs, which are their reincarnation of the Watchers from the Marvel Universe. The Cosmic Enforcers go by that name, and they have decided Lyn is deserving of their assistance in managing the Multiverse.

Masters Of The Universe Revolution (Credit: Netflix)

Finally, the Horde Empire is acting differently even though Keldor is pouting in prison. As it happens, they were successful in recovering Hordak’s corpse from the battleground.

Hordak’s body is shown in a tank, healing from the stab wound caused by Skeletor, and a mysterious female warrior wearing a Horde mask is observed examining it. It reminds me a lot of the Bacta tank and Darth Vader from the Star Wars movies.

Upon the leader’s recovery, the warrior, who is believed to be Revolution’s take on She-Ra, swears that they will return to destroy Eternia and kill He-Man. In the end, it indicates that Revolution will engage in yet another titanic battle against a Horde Empire that is gradually becoming more vicious and effective.

Is Despara Going to Be the Season 3 Villain?

We see Zodac for the first time after Masters of the Universe: Revolution. He appears to be the head of the Cosmic Enforcers, a group. Their helmets are all similar in appearance.

They’re all assembled at a colosseum constructed on an asteroid that a giant is holding, I suppose, and that is linked to several other asteroids by vibrant chains.

Furthermore, Zodac declares that he wants to add Evil-Lyn to this team after witnessing her breathtaking act of bravery. Zodac: who is he? What function do the cosmic enforcers serve? He was introduced by Mattel, it seems, as a generic malevolent figure.

After that, DC Comics reshaped him into a kind of moderate, and He-Man and the Masters of the Universe sort of carried on with that interpretation of the character. The character’s version that appears in Revolution also looks to be a neutral party.

Masters Of The Universe Revolution (Credit: Netflix)

I believe that comparing Zodac and Cosmic Enforcers to Marvel’s Watchers is the best way to characterize them. They watch over Eternia’s happenings, but they never get involved (until I suppose, it’s essential). Even if bad-Lyn is no longer bad, that seems excessively restricted to her.

Playing a neutral character won’t work for her because she is still chaotic and has lately picked a side—the good one. Technically speaking, Evil-Lyn doesn’t appear to be taking Zodac’s offer. Who knows, then?

Perhaps there will be a cold open in Season 3 of Masters of the Universe where Evil-Lyn takes out her frustrations on the Cosmic Enforcers for being so strong yet remaining undecided.

Arin Tripathi: Arin Tripathi, a dedicated final year BCA student, resides in the vibrant city of Bangalore. During his leisure hours, he immerses himself in the world of manga and enjoys watching TV shows on platforms like Netflix and Hulu. His specialization lies in crafting content related to U.S-based shows and series.
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