Phil Demmel: Mastering 19 Slayer Songs on Flight to Europe, Becoming Kerry King’s Guitar Wingman.

Phil Demmel

Phil Demmel, formerly of Machine Head, found himself catapulted into a pivotal role after a decisive career move. Departing from Machine Head in 2018 due to personal differences with Robb Flynn, Demmel suddenly found an unexpected opportunity knocking at his door.

Kerry King, renowned guitarist of Slayer, reached out to Demmel shortly after, needing a replacement for Gary Holt on a European tour. Demmel seized the chance, impressing King with his ability to learn 19 Slayer songs on the flight over, setting the stage for their future collaboration.

While initially brought in to fill in live, Demmel’s collaboration with Kerry King extended beyond touring. When King began his solo project, Demmel joined him as the second guitarist.

His role wasn’t just about matching King’s iconic style; it involved intricate lead work that he meticulously prepared for, ensuring his solos complemented King’s compositions while adding his own melodic touch. This collaboration marked a significant departure from his previous work with Machine Head, requiring Demmel to adapt his playing style to fit seamlessly into King’s musical vision.

Phil Demmel

The process wasn’t without its challenges. Demmel faced complex rhythms and lightning-fast triplets characteristic of King’s style, particularly in tracks like “Tension,” which is in 6/8 time signature.

Despite the technical hurdles, Demmel approached it with dedication, likening the learning process to immersion in a new language. This meticulous approach not only honed his technical skills but also deepened his musical understanding of King’s distinct musical language and compositional nuances.

Beyond the technical aspects, Demmel’s journey with King was also about building a collaborative relationship. He contributed extensively to the guitar solos and transition licks on the album, emphasizing his desire to integrate his signature sound while respecting the established Slayer legacy.

This mutual respect and creative synergy laid the foundation for their work together, reflecting Demmel’s commitment to making his mark while staying true to the project’s fiery, aggressive ethos.

Looking ahead, Demmel anticipates not only performing Slayer classics on tour but also potentially contributing more to future projects. Despite the album’s completion and impending release, Demmel remains creatively engaged, hinting at possible future songwriting collaborations with King.

His journey from Machine Head to Kerry King’s band is not just a shift in bands but a testament to his adaptability, skill, and ongoing evolution as a guitarist and collaborator in the metal music scene.

Anusree Genga Nair: I am a B.Tech Computer Science graduate who possesses a deep affection for writing . Love writing on diverse subject and other than that you can find me browsing through the IT related subjects.
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