Pokémon 20th Movie Destroyed the Iconic Relationship Between Ash and Pikachu

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The Pokemon Cast Prepares for a New Anime Movie
Ash and Pikachu (Credits: Studio OLM)

In the 20th Pokémon movie, “Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You,” a peculiar moment altered the foundation of the iconic relationship between Ash and Pikachu.

Traditionally, Pikachu had been portrayed as an independent and stubborn creature, often expressing a distaste for going inside a pokéball. However, a dramatic shift occurred when, under attack from malevolent Pokémon, Ash questioned Pikachu about its reluctance to seek refuge inside its pokéball.

This particular scene, marked by Pikachu’s unexpected ability to articulate its feelings, added a layer of complexity to their dynamic bond.

Pikachu Speaking With Ash in Pokémon Movie Made It So Much Weirder
Ash and Pikachu (Credits: Studio OLM)

The heartfelt confession, “I always want to be with you,” challenged Pikachu’s established persona, introducing an element of dependency that seemed out of character.

This revelation shifted their relationship from one based on the synergy between a trainer and their Pokémon to a more complex and interconnected bond.

The movie, celebrating Pokémon’s 20th anniversary and drawing inspiration from the series’ pilot episode, laid the groundwork for audience expectations regarding the Ash-Pikachu relationship.

Pikachu’s refusal to enter a pokéball had been a consistent element, emphasizing its independent nature. However, the sudden shift in Pikachu’s behavior in the movie raised questions about its personality and the nature of its connection with Ash.

While the scene suggested a form of dependency between Ash and Pikachu, it contradicted Pikachu’s known independence.

The Pokémon’s signature stubbornness, despite their strong bond, made its refusal to go inside a pokéball seem strangely out of place. The weirdness of this moment was amplified by Pikachu’s ultimate acceptance of entering a pokéball due to the damage it sustained during the battle.

Ash and Pikachu (Credits: Studio OLM)

The peculiar scene also hinted at a potential psychic link between Ash and Pikachu, adding an intriguing layer to their relationship dynamics.

Whether this link was a result of the Pokémon attacks or a genuine connection remained open to interpretation. Regardless, the revelation marked a significant shift in both their bond and Pikachu’s personality.

Ash and Pikachu (Credits: Studio OLM)

While the moment may have been unconventional, it carried an honest and heartfelt undertone. Pikachu, known for its limited communication through syllables derived from its name, expressed a desire to be with Ash, adding emotional depth rarely witnessed in the Pokémon anime.

The weirdness of the scene contributed to its uniqueness, portraying an unprecedented aspect of the enduring bond shared by Ash and Pikachu.

By Umair Nakade

Umair, hailing from Mumbai, has a penchant for crafting content related to Anime and Manga. During his leisure hours, he channels his creativity into creating AMV edits on Instagram under the handle umair.amv.

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