Shonen Jump Publisher’s DEAIBOOKS Raises Worries Regarding Inappropriate Material

Deku From My Hero Academia (Credits: Manga Plus)

Shonen Jump publisher Shueisha is introducing an innovative manga recommendation service called DEAIBOOKS, powered by artificial intelligence. The concept aims to simplify the process of discovering new manga titles for readers.

Upon downloading the app, users will interact with a virtual librarian named Aihara Pitari, who will assist them in exploring a vast selection of over 5,000 popular manga series.

Deku From My Hero Academia (Credits: Manga Plus)

While the idea behind DEAIBOOKS appears promising, some manga and anime enthusiasts express skepticism about its implementation. Concerns range from potential programmed biases favoring certain titles to the possibility of unsolicited recommendations appearing in user feeds without user input.

These discussions underscore the cautious optimism surrounding the new service and highlight the importance of ensuring fairness and user control in AI-powered recommendation systems.

The Debate Surrounding A.I. Integration in the Anime Community

The integration of artificial intelligence (A.I.) into the anime community sparks considerable debate, largely due to concerns about its reliability.

Many express apprehension about A.I. potentially generating unexpected or unwanted recommendations. For instance, there are worries about the A.I. suggesting inappropriate content, such as switching from a slice-of-life manga to a mature-themed one unexpectedly.

A Fan Reacting to The News On Twitter

This skepticism reflects a broader lack of trust in A.I. technology, even when utilized by prominent entities like Shueisha.

Additionally, there are concerns about potential biases within the A.I. recommendation system. Some fear that certain genres, such as boys’ love or girls’ love, may be overlooked in favor of more mainstream or popular ones.

A Fan Reacting to The News On Twitter

This leads to worries that the A.I. may exhibit programmed preferences towards specific titles, potentially limiting the diversity of recommendations.

Such concerns highlight the importance of ensuring fairness and inclusivity in AI-powered recommendation systems to address the diverse interests of anime enthusiasts.

Oliver Johnson: Oliver Johnson is a content writer passionate about manga and anime. With a knack for storytelling, he crafts engaging articles that bring these vibrant storyline to life. Through his words, he connects with readers, sharing the magic and excitement of the anime and manga universe.
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