The Bridge Curse Ritual Ending Explained: Is Kai Trapped At The University?

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The Bridge Curse Ritual
The Bridge Curse Ritual (Credit: Netflix)

The second on-screen entry in the series, the Taiwanese Mandarin horror film “The Bridge Curse: Ritual,” is a chilling tale of young people interfering with evil spirits. The Da Ren building at CC University is well-known for the eerie tales that surround it, which centre on a malevolent warding technique used during construction.

A group of students, including Kai and Ting, the twins, are inspired by the same and decide to make an eerie augmented reality video game. But when the students’ experimental dark rituals unleash malevolent spirits into the building’s passageways, things take a terrible turn.

Therefore, to save her brother from an awful end, Ting needs to discover the entire extent of the horrors contained within the structure. The supernatural-horror storyline adds additional secrets and stakes as it goes along, revealing more about the universe in which the characters live. Viewers should therefore be eager to find out what happens to these characters after the drama.

The Bridge Curse Ritual Ending Explained

Because Kai’s attack is invisible, unlike Ting’s paranormal experiences, it still has some mystery and fascination to it. Kai enters the school late one night to try out the ritual in person before using it to create his video game. But as a result of the school’s true magical nature, his ceremony ultimately calls forth a ghost that makes an effort to drag him from this life.

The Bridge Curse Ritual
The Bridge Curse Ritual (Credit: Netflix)

The boy thus spends years in a coma with no chance of revival. However, Ting doesn’t fully understand the possibility of her brother’s circumstance until she sets out on comparable experiences. Ting finds a scratch on the door while trying out the “Hide-n-Seek” level of the video game, which leads her to think Kai’s soul might have been imprisoned within the school.

When Ting sees the school’s extraordinary scope, the absurd hypothesis begins to make more and more sense in the face of the growing threat. Ting therefore understands that there has to be a relationship between the two as Kai’s health continues to deteriorate following the break in the oil lamp.

Kai spilt blood over the oil lamp, participating in a blood ritual. His spirit was consequently chained to the lamp. Ting and De try the elevator level as the last ritual for the same reason. The two unintentionally become timeless paranormal creatures as a result of the ritual’s ability to draw them out of reality.

In the end, Ting discovers her brother lurking in a building corner, only to lose him once more as the oil in the lamp runs out, carrying Kai’s preserved spirit with it. As a result, Ting and De flee across the campus to stop their ghostly presence from tampering with history and smashing the light.

The Bridge Curse Ritual
The Bridge Curse Ritual (Credit: Netflix)

Consequently, Ting realizes that she is the cause her previous self was imprisoned in a room with a spirit, and De obstructs his previous self’s attempt to vanquish the charming ghost by hurling the lamp at him. De ultimately succeeds in preventing the lamp from breaking in the past.

Kai’s spirit therefore reappears. Even though Kai is currently limited to the supernatural realm as a ghost, if he and Ting manage to outrun the vengeful spirits after them, they may be able to return to the physical world. On the other side, unlike the other ghosts, Kai has a living body waiting for him. The man is therefore in a stressful state of limbo, neither quite alive nor dead.

By Arin Tripathi

Arin Tripathi, a dedicated final year BCA student, resides in the vibrant city of Bangalore. During his leisure hours, he immerses himself in the world of manga and enjoys watching TV shows on platforms like Netflix and Hulu. His specialization lies in crafting content related to U.S-based shows and series.

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