The Controversy Surrounding The Last Temptation of Christ, Explained

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Still from the movie
The Last Temptation of Christ Controversy (Credit-IMDb)

Martin Scorsese is known for making intense and violent movies with deeply human characters. Take Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver, for example. He’s a troubled character, both heroic and disturbing. Scorsese’s films make these complex characters relatable.

His film The Last Temptation of Christ caused a big stir. It’s not about gangsters like many of his movies but about Jesus of Nazareth. Scorsese had wanted to make a movie about Jesus since he was a kid.

He grew up Catholic, so Jesus was a big part of his life. The idea for the film started way back in 1972 when Barbara Hershey gave him a book called “Boxcar Bertha.”

The Last Temptation of Christ Controversy Explained
Still from The Last Temptation of Christ (Credit-IMDb)

The Last Temptation of Christ Controversy Explained

The movie shows Jesus struggling with normal human emotions like fear and doubt. It focuses on Jesus as a person rather than just his divine side. This was controversial because it’s not how Jesus is usually portrayed in the Bible.

The film starts with Jesus in agony, struggling with his relationship with God. He’s depicted as very human, not like the figure we often see in religious art. He’s weak and scared, facing doubts and fears just like anyone else.

The relationship between Jesus and God in the film is challenging. Jesus suffers physically and mentally, which some viewers might interpret as mental illness. He’s torn between his Jewish identity and his role in making crosses for the Romans to crucify people.

It also shows Jesus challenging the authority of both the Roman state and religious leaders. His relationship with Mary Magdalene is a central part of this, showing his struggle between love and duty.

Overall, the film presents a different, more human side of Jesus than many people are used to. This ambiguity angered some viewers but made the film powerful and thought-provoking.

Still from The Last Temptation of Christ
Still from the movie (Credit-IMDb)

Why Was The Movie Director in Trouble?

Director Martin Scorsese received death threats and had to cancel public events, even getting FBI protection. The movie caused a lot of controversy, especially among religious groups.

Some people protested at theaters and even at Universal Studios. They didn’t like how the movie portrayed Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

A nun from a TV network called it the worst insult to the Eucharist ever. The movie was banned in several countries and is still banned in places like Singapore and the Philippines.

Things got even worse when a group of radical Catholics bombed a cinema in Paris showing the movie. Thirteen people were hurt, and the theater was badly damaged.

The Last Temptation of Christ challenges traditional Christian beliefs by focusing on Jesus as a human rather than just a divine figure.

This makes people think about their own humanity. It’s a departure from what people expect from a movie about Jesus, which is why it’s so controversial.

By Arin Tripathi

Arin Tripathi, a dedicated final year BCA student, resides in the vibrant city of Bangalore. During his leisure hours, he immerses himself in the world of manga and enjoys watching TV shows on platforms like Netflix and Hulu. His specialization lies in crafting content related to U.S-based shows and series.

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