Who Is Approaching Egghead In One Piece Chapter 1105?

One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

With the official release scheduled for Monday, January 29th, eager One Piece fans have accessed early scanlations and spoilers for chapter 1105. Building on last chapter’s cliffhanger, the leaks indicate the Egghead Island incident and confrontation will escalate.

In the previous installment, Warlord Bartholomew Kuma arrived to protect Bonney, prompting Saint Saturn to spitefully order a catastrophic Buster Call attack on Egghead.

Meanwhile, Admiral Kizaru continues facing internal turmoil over his mission to kill mentor Dr. Vegapunk, hinting at hidden emotions and moral dilemmas.

One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

According to disclosed spoilers, chapter 1105 will feature further intriguing developments as the arc heads toward a climax. Most ominously, the chapter concludes by teasing an unknown hostile force swiftly approaching Egghead, intent on violence.

While specific details remain scarce prior to the full release, these leaks offer tantalizing glimpses for One Piece fans, suggesting this Egghead saga will soon reach an inflection point after recent character clashes.

One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

The looming third party at the chapter’s end foreshadows higher stakes and battles ahead.

Luffy’s Gluttonous Distraction and Escalating Peril on Egghead

With no official English translation out yet, fan scanlations have offered speculative titles for chapter 1105 such as “The Peak of Stupidity” and “The Height of Folly.”

Blackbeard | One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

Spoilers reveal more on missing Luffy’s whereabouts – apparently, the glutton is gorging himself on food from Vegapunk’s Automated Cooking Machine with no concern for the chaos unfolding on Egghead.

The leaks also cover attempted escape efforts amidst escalating threats. Vegapunk tries transporting himself and allies off Egghead in a special Vacuum Rocket capsule, but Kizaru abruptly destroys the glass tube system, causing them all to crash land instead.

Jinbe | One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

Immediately taking advantage, Saint Saturn commands his Pacifista Mk III cyborgs to barrage them with laser fire.

While specifics await formal release, these latest spoilers hint chapter 1105 will showcase both absurd, lighthearted moments involving Luffy as well as intensifying danger to the stranded group from trigger-happy attackers like Saturn and his weapons.

Pacifista | One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

The unreliable transportation and limited options seem to put Vegapunk and company in ever more peril.

One Piece Chapter 1105 Spoilers Reveal Irony, Cruel Consequences, and Escalating Threats

The chapter spoilers also highlight the cruel irony around Saturn deploying Pacifista cyborgs modeled after Kuma to kill Kuma himself along with Bonney.

One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

As Saturn vindictively laughs while commanding this, it underscores the “peak of stupidity” and “height of folly” noted in the proposed chapter titles.

However, the most pivotal revelation comes at the very end. It involves the Marine battleship that the previous chapter showed Saturn dispatching to sink the evacuation transport ferrying regular Egghead citizens away.

One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

While specific events are still unclear without full context, these latest leaks suggest central themes around the absurd yet lethal consequences of vengeance and violence.

Saturn’s spite-fueled actions put innocents and even his own Pacifista weapons in harm’s way, risking more destruction. The ominous marine ship cliffhanger also hints at escalating stakes to come.

Mysterious Attacker Emerges, Posing New Threat to Egghead and Unraveling Chaos

The last panel bombshell in chapter 1105 involves an unidentified party intercepting and destroying the Marine battleship before it could attack the civilians escaping Egghead. While the chapter does not directly show this surprise attacker, their presence is made clear through consequence.

One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

There are also no clear clues within the leaks hinting at who this mysterious destructive force may be. The only report comes from panicked Marines contacting Kizaru with an ominous, vague warning:

“They’re heading to Egghead.”

This likely refers to whoever ambushed and sank their warship now setting sights on the island itself. With few solid clues about their identity, speculation has narrowed down three likely suspects behind the looming threat.

One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

While full context awaits the official release, these scant but foreboding leaked details indicate a new chaotic player will soon disrupt the complex situation on Egghead. Their swift, violent entrance has already left a trail of destruction that threatens to impact all involved parties.

Blackbeard’s Shadow Looms

One prime suspect behind the ominous threat is the Blackbeard Pirates. As seen back in chapter 1079, there was already foreshadowing of their ship sailing nearby Egghead’s waters.

Blackbeard | One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

Infamously opportunistic, Blackbeard’s crew has a pattern of capitalizing on major incidents to further their own agenda – as demonstrated at Impel Down, Marineford, and Amazon Lily previously.

With chaos and battle erupting on Egghead between several powerful factions, chances seem high the Blackbeard Pirates could exploit the situation to progress their undefined interests and plans for the island.

One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

Recent developments revealed Blackbeard had divided his forces into subgroups – one containing Blackbeard himself that attacked the Heart Pirates on Winner Island, while Kuzan and others remained stationed on Hachinosu.

Given this crew’s ruthless reputation and history of turning unstable situations further in their favor, their abrupt destructive entrance as implied by the leaked warning in chapter 1105 would align perfectly with their modus operandi.

One Piece Egghead Island Opening (Credits: Toei Animation)

The fractured islands also raise questions about which subdivision could be heading toward Egghead.

Lafitte and Devon’s Stealthy Abilities Clash with Brash Entrance and Humanitarian Actions

The two high-ranking Blackbeard pirates yet to be revealed in subgroups are Lafitte and Catarina Devon. Logically they could comprise the third division implied to be sailing toward Egghead near the chapter’s end.

One Piece Egghead Island Opening (Credits: Toei Animation)

However, both members’ abilities suit stealth operations rather than outright combat. If they approached Egghead, covert theft or kidnapping seems more likely than confronting the many powerhouses already warring there.

Devon and Lafitte lack the strength to pose a credible threat against the likes of Kizaru or Kuma.

One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

It would make more sense strategically for them to hide and wait for the optimal moment to strike rather than openly attack Marines, exposing their presence prematurely. Likewise, Blackbeard crews aren’t typically altruistic – so their saving Egghead civilians seems incongruous with their morality.

While speculation continues about this surprise force’s identity and motives, the stealth-based skills of missing members Lafitte and Devon seem ill-fitted for such a brash, destructive entrance.

One Piece Egghead Island Opening (Credits: Toei Animation)

And a humanitarian rescue clashes with the typically self-serving modus operandi of Blackbeard and his ruthless followers.

Could Dragon and the Army be the Surprise Force in One Piece Chapter 1105?

Another prime suspect is the Revolutionary Army coming to aid former member Kuma and his daughter Bonney, both embroiled in Egghead’s danger. Since Kuma’s surprising ties to the island emerged, speculation has brewed that Dragon could arrive to help his old comrade in arms.

One Piece Egghead Island Opening (Credits: Toei Animation)

Adding further motive is Luffy’s unwell presence on Egghead as well. This chaos would enable the long-speculated father-son reunion between Dragon and his infamous son Luffy to finally occur.

There are also clues the unknown force’s decisive actions could suit the Revolutionary Army’s modus operandi – stopping the Marines’ lethal attack to protect fleeing Egghead civilians.

One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

Given Dragon’s empathetic history regarding Ohara, saving the island’s workers from callous murder would align with his principles.

The Revolutionary force’s swift and surgical disruption of the Marines hints at an orderly ideology rather than sheer piracy. And with both estranged Luffy and former member Kuma imperiled, Dragon has profound personal reasons to intervene on Egghead as these volatile events come to a head.

Dragon’s Strategic Caution Casts Doubt

However, Dragon has firmly demonstrated being a rational leader who avoids exposing his revolutionaries without strategic cause. Despite close ally Belo Betty’s kidnapping, he refused to jeopardize forces for what he likely saw as an emotional reaction.

This precedent makes hastily appearing at Egghead seem doubtful.

One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

Additionally, recent chapters visually confirmed Dragon, Sabo, Ivankov and other key Revolutionaries gathered together in Kamabakka as events on Egghead intensified.

With an immense sea barrier separating the two locations, crossing such distance so quickly appears implausible even factoring speculation around Dragon’s rumored Devil Fruit power aiding transport.

One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

While emotional motives exist for Dragon to intervene given his attachments, previous decisions have followed careful logic rather than feelings.

Risking himself and his forces without proper provisions or assurance of impactful gain seems counter to Dragon’s established measured leadership style. For now, the safer move is likely staying put in Kamabakka despite unsure outcomes on already chaotic Egghead.

Straw Hat Grand Fleet

Another prime suspect is Luffy’s loyal Straw Hat Grand Fleet, composed of 7 allied crews from Dressrosa who pledged allegiance to aid the Straw Hats when called upon.

One Piece (Credits: Eiichiro Oda)

Key officers like Cavendish, Bartolomeo, and Sai each carry Luffy’s Vivre Card, allowing them to track his location and know if he’s endangered. With Luffy imperiled on Egghead, the Grand Fleet has the means to appear if their assistance is desired.

However, the pact between crews hinged on responding to direct calls for help between them rather than acting preemptively of their own accord.

One Piece Egghead Island Opening (Credits: Toei Animation)

And presently no indication exists that Luffy actively contacted them to request backup amidst Egghead’s descent into conflict, limiting their preparedness to mobilize support forces.

Indeed, unless directly summoned by Luffy, the Grand Fleet crews would likely only grow aware of the Egghead situation through standard newspaper reports of events, unable to rapidly react until after the fact.

While ready aid for Luffy is their sworn duty, without his specific go-ahead the Grand Fleet appears confined to standby status even if hinting at their crash arrival.

Mudassir Kamran: I am Mudassir Kamran, hailing from the vibrant city of Mumbai, Maharashtra. As a passionate writer and an avid anime and manga enthusiast, I dedicate myself to bringing you the latest and most captivating stories from the world at OtakuKart. Join me on a journey through the fascinating realms of anime and manga as we explore their captivating narratives together.
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