WWE’s Bold Move: Raw’s Transition and the Netflix Deal

WWE (Credit: ESPN)

The wrestling world is abuzz with excitement and anticipation following WWE’s groundbreaking deal with Netflix. The historic partnership promises a plethora of opportunities for the company, sparking curiosity among fans about the potential changes that lie ahead.

However, amidst the excitement of the Netflix deal, WWE Raw finds itself in a transitional phase. The red brand’s episodes are set to cease streaming on the USA Network from October 1, marking a significant shift in its broadcasting landscape. With a three-month gap before the Netflix deal takes full effect in 2025, Raw is in need of a temporary streaming home.

WWE (Credit: ESPN)

As the company navigates this transition period, wrestling veteran Eric Bischoff has weighed in with an intriguing suggestion. Speaking on a recent episode of Strictly Business, the legendary figure proposed that Raw going dark for a few months could be the ideal strategy before its Netflix debut.

Bischoff emphasized that this hiatus could be a strategic move to build anticipation among fans, treating the Netflix premiere as a monumental event akin to WrestleMania. The downtime could be utilized to heavily promote and create awareness around Raw’s move to the streaming platform, ensuring a grand and impactful return when it premieres on Netflix.

“Maybe it goes dark? Maybe they take advantage of that creative time to build anticipation, to promote it heavily, to create awareness, and to get everybody ready for the big move. Treat it like it’s WrestleMania and build up to it so that when it does premiere on Netflix, there’s a built-in anticipation for it.”

In addition to the idea of Raw going dark, Bischoff also suggested another intriguing possibility – streaming the red brand’s episodes on X. Expressing his support for the platform and its potential, Bischoff highlighted the opportunity for WWE to strengthen its relationship with X and expand its fanbase in the digital realm.

“I’m a big supporter of Elon Musk, I think that the platform has grown, it’s becoming better, I think it’s the future in many aspects of social media, and I think that would be a good solution. I’m not sure that it would be a better solution than going dark and building anticipation.”

WWE (Credit: ESPN)

While the prospect of Raw taking a hiatus may raise eyebrows, the idea of streaming on X presents an enticing opportunity for WWE to explore new avenues and engage with a broader audience.

As the wrestling giant charts its course through this period of transition, fans eagerly await the unveiling of their plans for Raw’s temporary streaming home and the monumental debut on Netflix in 2025.

Arin Tripathi: Arin Tripathi, a dedicated final year BCA student, resides in the vibrant city of Bangalore. During his leisure hours, he immerses himself in the world of manga and enjoys watching TV shows on platforms like Netflix and Hulu. His specialization lies in crafting content related to U.S-based shows and series.
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