Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 4 Recap: Ants on a Log and a Cheating Winker

Young Sheldon Season 7 (Credit: CBS)

Being a teenager is hard, and it gets increasingly harder when half of your family lives on the other side of the globe. Thus far, Season 7 of Young Sheldon has put Sheldon and Mary’s relationship to the test and made Missy step up in their absence.

The adults aren’t doing so well either; Meemaw lost everything she owned, including her house, in the Medford tornado. She moved in with her boyfriend Dale, but things aren’t going as well as she had planned. Here is a complete recap of Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 4 now that the Cooper family has returned to Medford.


The most exciting development for the Cooper family is the return of Sheldon and Mary from their academic study-abroad trip in Germany.

Everything is well after a terrible trip home that involved four connecting flights and a lot of yelling kids, until Sheldon discovers that Mandy, Georgie, and newborn Cece won’t leave Sheldon’s bedroom.

Young Sheldon Season 7 (Credit: CBS)

Sheldon calls Meemaw in the middle of the night when neither of these is chosen, leaving the garage and the sofa as potential sleeping places. Sheldon returns to his college dorm room when Meemaw refuses to let him stay at Dale’s, only to find a fellow student who has been staying there.

When Sheldon queries the unidentified kid right away, he replies that it’s actually his room. After some back-and-forth over an unreleased video game, the two become friends, and Sheldon comes to the conclusion that maybe he could live with a roommate after all. 

Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 4 depicts Mary’s struggles as well as Sheldon’s after his return. Mary feels alienated in her own house. She sleeps in on her first morning back and discovers that breakfast is ready for her when she wakes up.

Mary feels like she has nothing to do at home because her kids are taking care of their tasks, and Meemaw doesn’t seem to care when she tells Mary she’s lost her whole house. This is because of Missy’s chore and restroom routine.

Mary chooses to see George while providing coaching at work since she needs something to do. She attempts to take on the role of “team mom,” providing snacks for the team as a whole and participating in their drills.

Young Sheldon Season 7 (Credit: CBS)

George implies that it might be preferable if there were no such thing as a “team mom” when he informs Mary that practice is something to be endured rather than enjoyed. In Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 4, Missy looks to be getting back on track to being mini-Mary after her rebellious streak of lying to George about Taylor in Episode 3.

When Mary arrives, Missy is already in full control of the household, having finished her laundry, yelling at her siblings for not following the bathroom schedule, and preparing Mary’s breakfast before she even wakes up.

Arin Tripathi: Arin Tripathi, a dedicated final year BCA student, resides in the vibrant city of Bangalore. During his leisure hours, he immerses himself in the world of manga and enjoys watching TV shows on platforms like Netflix and Hulu. His specialization lies in crafting content related to U.S-based shows and series.
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